Resources and Support

Opioid Epidemic–Narconon: Scientology is Not a Treatment

The opioid epidemic in the United States is claiming more lives than ever. Recent data estimates that 59,000 Americans died from drug-related causes in 2016. And, the estimate for 2017 is even higher. Much of this can be attributed to opioid addiction which often starts with dependency on prescribed painkillers that leads to abuse and illegal drugs.

With so many families being affected by this issue, the drug treatment and rehabilitation industry have been growing. Countless people are looking for help and often they do not know how to choose certified, respected programs which adhere to licensing requirements. Not all self-proclaimed treatment centers do good. One, in particular, that has gained a lot of negative press, and for good reason, is Narconon.

Opioid Epidemic–Narconon: Scientology is Not a Treatment Read More

“Conversion Therapy” is Dangerous and Abusive

The 48th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots is coming up on June 28, and many cities in America are holding Gay Pride parades and festivals around this time. With the Trump election and Mike Pence as Vice President, all the accomplishments advancing human rights seems like they are in jeopardy. This week, I attended the Pride Day celebration at Newton City Hall and Mayor Setti Warren created a liaison position and appointed trans activist Holly Ryan. Bob Parlin, founder of the Gay-Straight Alliance was recognized and given commendations from the Legislature. I’ve written before about how important it is to protect the freedom of mind for LGBTQ youth. Now, I’d like to go into more detail about a serious form of undue influence which uniquely affects the LGBTQ community: conversion therapy (also referred to as reparative sexual orientation therapy).

“Conversion Therapy” is Dangerous and Abusive Read More

Freedom of Mind for LGBTQ Youth

Freedom of Mind, as an organization and as a meme is grounded in a commitment to basic human rights as expressed by the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Please take a moment to look at these profound statements.

It’s not surprising that many cults hold doctrines and practices which are intolerant and even violent towards the LGBTQ community. Just combine absolutist, black-and-white, rigid thinking with tight control over members’ sexuality. A young person asserting their own individual desires (which may be unconventional, complex, or constantly evolving) presents a threat to a cult leader who seeks to mold their followers into obedient, dependent clones of themselves.

Freedom of Mind for LGBTQ Youth Read More

Meditation, Yes! But Please Be Careful and Do Your Homework Regarding Transcendental Meditation (TM).

There are thousands of ways to meditate. Personally, I like to do a breathing, concentration meditation, or a moving or walking meditation to focus my mind. I like the discipline of focusing my mind rather than passively allowing thoughts to come and go. In the past, I have done mindfulness meditation, which is quite popular now and has helped many people relieve anxiety, depression, and other issues. So, be wary of any group that says there is only one Right Way to meditate.

Mantric meditation (the repetition of a word or sound) is only one technique.

Meditation, Yes! But Please Be Careful and Do Your Homework Regarding Transcendental Meditation (TM). Read More