Get Started

The strongest defense against Cults and Undue Influence is through awareness and education. Freedom of Mind provides a wealth of powerful information.

Do you want to:

  • Prevent undue influence from harming you or another person?
  • Help a person to become free from an undue influence situation?
  • Recover after leaving an undue influence situation?
  • Help your community or organization?

Here are Steps to Get You Started!

1. Learn About Undue Influence

  • Read or listen to Combating Cult Mind Control, 30th Anniversary Edition
  • Take the online video course: Understanding Cults: A Foundational Course for Clinicians

2. Learn How to Help Other People

  • Visit the Intervention Services web page
  • Read the book Freedom of Mind – Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs

3. Learn How to Recover From Undue Influence

  • Visit the Recovery Services web page
  • Visit the Videos Page to learn about stories of recovery

4. Subscribe & Follow

  • Subscribe to the e-newsletter and search the blog archive
  • Subscribe to the podcast
  • Follow us on social media

5. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

6. Contact Us

Number 1

Read Combating Cult Mind Control and/or Take the Online Course, Understanding Cults: A Foundational Course for Clinicians

Combating Cult Mind Control

30th Anniversary Edition

The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults

Read this book first, to learn how cult mind control works, about the types of harmful influence situations, and how to protect yourself and others from the use of mind-control techniques.

Combating Cult Mind Control Book by Steven Hassan

Understanding Cults: A Foundational Course

A foundational course to understanding brainwashing, thought reform, mind control, and undue influence.

Number 2

Learn How to Help Other People

Visit the Intervention Services Web Page


Read “Freedom of Mind – Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs”

Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs exposes the techniques and methods that individuals, cults, and institutions of all types—religious, business, therapeutic, educational, governmental—use to undo a person’s capacity to think and act independently.

Number 3

Learn How to Recover from an Undue Influence situation

Visit the Recovery Services Web Page


Visit the Videos Page to learn about stories of recovery.

Number 4

Follow Dr. Hassan on Social Media

 Stay in tune with current news and updates by following Dr. Hassan on his many social streams.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Keep informed about events, new content, book releases, important updates that offer further insight provided by Freedom of Mind.

Podcast: The Influence Continuum

Subscribe & Listen to Dr. Hassan’s Podcast as he explains HOW mind-control works, and how to protect yourself from its grips.

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

If your have questions about Freedom of Mind, our services and the issues we address, visit our FAQ page or reach out to us!.

Learn about Dr. Hassan’s Professional Services

Dr. Hassan’s consulting services include:

Intervention, recovery, professional case consultation, litigation consulting, speaking, training, research, and program development.

Number 6

For the Media, Students & Researchers: Request an interview with Dr. Hassan.

Part of our mission is to educate the public about undue influence and how to fight it. We are open to requests for interviews, quotes, and information related to undue influence. To schedule an appearance or interview, first visit the Press Kit and then email us at

Media Appearances Include:

60 Minutes Logo
Wall Street Journal Logo