Steve Hassan

A Cure to the Metaverse: Relational Maturity- Aureet Bar-Yam Hassan’s Developmental Theory

The Internet and social media have the potential to serve as a uniting force and are tools that can be used in positive ways. Certainly, during the on-going COVID-19 crisis, the Internet has been a vital way to continue working and learning, and maintaining at least a minimum of social contact, which is vital to the emotional health of human beings. The virus was first discovered in China and the genetic code of the virus was uploaded…

A Cure to the Metaverse: Relational Maturity- Aureet Bar-Yam Hassan’s Developmental Theory Read More

Parental Alienation: Turning Children Against Their Parent – with Dr. Amy Baker

In my work with ex-cult members, I have been aware of the use of parental alienation tactics for many years. It occurs in situations where one parent leaves a cult, but the other parent remains. In such cases, cult policies usually call for extreme measures to “demonize” the ex-member and turn their children…

Parental Alienation: Turning Children Against Their Parent – with Dr. Amy Baker Read More

Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety: Cults Disguised as Drug Treatment

Cults take on many disguises to recruit and control members, including religious organizations, marketing schemes, drug treatment, and even yoga or martial arts groups. But the tactics of recruitment and control are very similar, and the malignant narcissists who profit from the cults also act in similarly destructive ways.

Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety: Cults Disguised as Drug Treatment Read More

Charles Koch’s Undue Influence on College Campuses: An Interview with Jasmine Banks

Billionaire donors are exerting undue influence on college campuses nationwide to advance a regressive corporate agenda. When I read Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America by Christopher Leonard, I was astounded at how much I did not know about this empire. For example, patriarch Fred C. Koch, co-founder of the racist John Birch Society, was a union buster, stealer of oil from Indigenous people, massive polluter, and fanatical about their corporate “culture” which has been described by many as cult-like.

Charles Koch’s Undue Influence on College Campuses: An Interview with Jasmine Banks Read More

My First Foundational Online Course: “Understanding Cults: The Basics”

Are you interested in learning more about how the mind works and how people can be programmed into a destructive authoritarian cult? Ever had an experience with a cult or controlling relationship? Have a friend or family member caught up in a black/white, all or nothing conspiracy cult, multi-level marketing group, religious group, political group, this is a course by Dr. Steven Hassan, a former member of the Moon cult, mental health professional who has over 40 years of knowledge and direct experience. In this course you will learn about different cultic groups, brainwashing, thought reform, mind control, and undue influence. You will learn the strategies, patterns, and behaviors used by cultic groups to recruit new members, and how they manipulate and control them.

My First Foundational Online Course: “Understanding Cults: The Basics” Read More

Biden Won and Now Is the President: What Can We Do to Help Those Who Are Still Not Willing to Face It?

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn into office, becoming the 46th president of the United States of America. Our nation is facing a very real pandemic (not a hoax) and a horrible economic situation with many millions of Americans experiencing hardship, anxiety and pain. Many are dealing with homelessness, have no income and are food insecure.  We need and finally have responsible leadership. We need to come together and end the vitriol.

Biden Won and Now Is the President: What Can We Do to Help Those Who Are Still Not Willing to Face It? Read More