
Following Jesus in the Age of Trump: A Discussion With Dr. Mary Theresa Webb

This week, I have the pleasure of blogging about my interview with Dr. Mary Theresa Webb about her book, Following Jesus in the Age of Trump. Her training at an evangelical seminary and her professional training in marriage and family counseling give her a very credible viewpoint that I believe all evangelicals should consider. As a Christian believer, she challenges evangelical Christians supporting Trump by reminding Christians what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, as well as, his parables, healings and other teachings. She is not alone.

Following Jesus in the Age of Trump: A Discussion With Dr. Mary Theresa Webb Read More

Jim Heller and Steven Hassan Debate “The Cult of Trump”

This week, we have a blog about a civil discussion I had with Jim Heller, a Canadian criminal lawyer and Trump supporter. After the release of my book, The Cult of Trump, Jim wrote me explaining that he was a Trump supporter who found my argument that Trump was a cult leader untenable and insulting. He expressed his interest in challenging my thesis but offered to do so with civility and respect.

Jim Heller and Steven Hassan Debate “The Cult of Trump” Read More

The Cult of Trump: Some Frequently Asked Questions

On Friday, November 22nd, 2019, I did an interview with Brian Stelter of CNN’s Sunday Reliable Sources show. This was put online as an audio Reliable Sources podcast. That Sunday, November 24th, The Cult of Trump was the focus of the last segment (approximately 4 minutes) of this highly regarded CNN cable tv show. It began with mentioning Anthony Scaramucci, Dan Rather, as well as, Republican John Weaver who each talked about the GOP becoming the cult of Trump. I was grateful to have my new book shown and to have an opportunity to discuss this important topic. Naturally, it was solely up to Brian and his producers as to what to select from the more than 30 minute audio interview. Take a listen if you have 30 minutes and, if not, take a look at the segment above. It is important to emphasize that the answer to the question about scientific proof that was shown on the TV was not how I would answer that question directly. I would talk about Dr. Anthony Pratkanis’ book, The Science of Social Influence, Neuroscientist Taylor’s book Brainwashing, Robert Jay Lifton, Margaret Singer, Edgar Schein, Louis Jolyn West to name just a few giants. I would cite my own peer review scientific journal article with a quantitative study involving my BITE model. Combating Cult Mind Control, Releasing the Bonds, Freedom of Mind are my three previous books. But please, if you are interested, take a listen to the whole interview I did with Brian Stelter, either on apple link above) or on Stitcher.

The Cult of Trump: Some Frequently Asked Questions Read More

Ex-MAGA Troll David Weissman Gives Interview about His Process of Realizing That Facts Matter

This past Monday, November 18, 2019, was the 41st anniversary of the Jonestown Massacre where over 900 people were killed. Last year, I wrote a blog about this tragedy and how it forever changed me: Jonestown and the Mind Control Cult of Jim Jones: A Survivor’s Story. Most of the people who died were members of the People’s Temple, led by cult leader Jim Jones. When many think of this tragedy, brainwashing and mind control is the lesson to remember. People were programmed to do what Jones told them to do as they widely believed him to be God’s authority on earth.

Ex-MAGA Troll David Weissman Gives Interview about His Process of Realizing That Facts Matter Read More