
The Cult of Trump: Some Frequently Asked Questions

On Friday, November 22nd, 2019, I did an interview with Brian Stelter of CNN’s Sunday Reliable Sources show. This was put online as an audio Reliable Sources podcast. That Sunday, November 24th, The Cult of Trump was the focus of the last segment (approximately 4 minutes) of this highly regarded CNN cable tv show. It began with mentioning Anthony Scaramucci, Dan Rather, as well as, Republican John Weaver who each talked about the GOP becoming the cult of Trump. I was grateful to have my new book shown and to have an opportunity to discuss this important topic. Naturally, it was solely up to Brian and his producers as to what to select from the more than 30 minute audio interview. Take a listen if you have 30 minutes and, if not, take a look at the segment above. It is important to emphasize that the answer to the question about scientific proof that was shown on the TV was not how I would answer that question directly. I would talk about Dr. Anthony Pratkanis’ book, The Science of Social Influence, Neuroscientist Taylor’s book Brainwashing, Robert Jay Lifton, Margaret Singer, Edgar Schein, Louis Jolyn West to name just a few giants. I would cite my own peer review scientific journal article with a quantitative study involving my BITE model. Combating Cult Mind Control, Releasing the Bonds, Freedom of Mind are my three previous books. But please, if you are interested, take a listen to the whole interview I did with Brian Stelter, either on apple link above) or on Stitcher.

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The Cult of Trump Book is Published!

My fourth book, The Cult of Trump, is finally out and on bookstore shelves everywhere. I have been receiving selfies from friends all over. If you are at a bookstore with the book, snap a selfie and share it! For those who prefer to listen to books, please be aware that I was able to read the audiobook. People who have been listening to the book say I did a really good job. After all this effort, it is truly gratifying to hear from people how important they think the book truly is. Many have told me that they never understood with so much clarity how much cult leader personality as well as cult psychology was at work in the Administration. They told me the book has really offered them a handle on not only understanding what is happening politically but they also learned specific strategies for how to make things better. The book has the potential to not only to help heal our country but also other nations around the world.

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The Cult of Trump Book: Exciting Positive Reactions

In August, I announced the publication of my new book with Simon and Schuster! The book will be available next Wednesday, October 15, 2019, but of course, many people have pre-ordered it. It is available as an audiobook, too and is being sold at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major booksellers including Target. To learn more, please visit my page on The Cult of Trump, pre-order your copy (links below) and learn about the interviews I have done. Also, sign up to follow my social media if you wish to learn about forthcoming media and appearances.

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Opus Dei: BITE Model Evaluation and Discussion with Former Member Eileen Johnson

This summer, while in Manchester, England for the 2019 ICSA Conference, I sat down with Eileen Johnson, ex-Opus Dei insider, to talk about Opus Dei, a Catholic right-wing cultic group. (You can watch our discussion here.) We only had a short amount of time and there was much more to cover, so I recently interviewed Eileen again. This blog covers highlights of our discussion, an analysis of how Opus Dei meets the BITE model criteria, and a link to watch our entire interview. (see below). It should be stated that there are many, many devout Catholics who do not like Opus Dei and how they operate.

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Light the Way to Freedom to End Human Trafficking: 2019 Summit in Austin, Texas

On June 25 – June 27, 2019, I had the honor of attending an amazing gathering of over 800 case investigators, law enforcement, judges, and therapists convened by the Governor and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. This was an invitation-only event, closed to the public. Trafficking experts presented and offered training workshops. Survivor advocate experts were among the most knowledgeable, effectively educating any involved with helping those in need.

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