Steven Hassan

Steven Hassan, PhD, MA, MEd, LMHC, NCC has helped thousands of individuals and families recover from undue influence (mind control). With over 45 years of experience, he is sought after as one of the foremost authorities on undue influence and controlling groups and individuals. Steve understands the subject from a unique perspective as both a former cult member and as a clinical professional.

Steven is the Founding Director of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center, a coaching, consulting, and training organization dedicated to supporting individuals to have the freedom to think clearly and to freely consider how they want to live their lives.  Steven pioneered a breakthrough method called the Strategic Interactive Approach (SIA), an effective and legal alternative for families to help cult members.  The SIA teaches family and friends how to strategically influence the individual involved in the cult.

Contact Freedom of Mind to schedule a consultation or to learn about offered services.

Learn about how the Strategic Interactive Approach can help rescue your friend or loved one out from under predatory influence.

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Freedom of Mind for LGBTQ Youth

Freedom of Mind, as an organization and as a meme is grounded in a commitment to basic human rights as expressed by the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Please take a moment to look at these profound statements.

It’s not surprising that many cults hold doctrines and practices which are intolerant and even violent towards the LGBTQ community. Just combine absolutist, black-and-white, rigid thinking with tight control over members’ sexuality. A young person asserting their own individual desires (which may be unconventional, complex, or constantly evolving) presents a threat to a cult leader who seeks to mold their followers into obedient, dependent clones of themselves.

Freedom of Mind for LGBTQ Youth Read More

Meditation, Yes! But Please Be Careful and Do Your Homework Regarding Transcendental Meditation (TM).

There are thousands of ways to meditate. Personally, I like to do a breathing, concentration meditation, or a moving or walking meditation to focus my mind. I like the discipline of focusing my mind rather than passively allowing thoughts to come and go. In the past, I have done mindfulness meditation, which is quite popular now and has helped many people relieve anxiety, depression, and other issues. So, be wary of any group that says there is only one Right Way to meditate.

Mantric meditation (the repetition of a word or sound) is only one technique.

Meditation, Yes! But Please Be Careful and Do Your Homework Regarding Transcendental Meditation (TM). Read More

Unethical Use of Covert Hypnosis to Rape

Earlier this month, former Ohio divorce attorney Michael W. Fine pleaded guilty to five counts of kidnapping and one count of attempted kidnapping. His crimes were not typical. Instead of using brute physical force, Fine used hypnosis.

In court documents Fine was accused of hypnotizing female clients for sexual purposes. According to my information, the first victim to step forward, Jane Doe 1, initially contacted police with her suspicions of sexual assault after she noticed she was unable to recall large portions of her time in meetings with Fine and that her clothes and bra were out of place after seeing him. At first, the police dismissed her complaints, advising her to simply find a new lawyer. However, Doe 1 persisted and allowed herself to be abused by Fine again so she could record what happened. After providing the recording to police and receiving the corroboration of a second victim, Jane Doe 2, the claims against Fine were examined more thoroughly and an investigation was opened. Eventually, Doe 1 helped police catch Fine in the act by wearing a listening device during a meeting. Law enforcement was able to hear and video record Fine using hypnotic techniques on his victim and catch him in the act before she was once again sexually assaulted.

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