
The Attempt to Redefine Religious Freedom – with Frederick Clarkson

This week’s blog is an effort to make people aware of a concerted effort to move the United States away from the Founding Fathers’ plan in the Constitution. They wanted a solid foundational commitment for a clear separation of Church and State. However, we are currently seeing a trend towards giving rights to religious corporations that may impinge on the rights of others. Meanwhile, some powerful elements of the Christian Right are engaged in a well-funded effort to move us away from a democracy to a theocracy.

The Attempt to Redefine Religious Freedom – with Frederick Clarkson Read More

Time to Abolish the Statutes of Limitation for Child Sexual Abuse!

“Children’s Rights are Human Rights” is the first thing you see when visiting the CHILD USA website. CHILD USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank dedicated to protecting kids and preventing abuse. Its two founders are law professor and author Marci Hamilton and Dr. Rita Swan. Both are dedicated to ensuring children receive proper medical treatment (but do not provide direct services). Marci is the Founder and CEO of CHILD USA, which is the successor organization to Rita Swan’s CHILD Inc. I have had the opportunity to meet and know both of these extraordinary activists through my involvement on the advisory board of the Child-Friendly Faith Project spearheaded by Janet Heimlich.

Time to Abolish the Statutes of Limitation for Child Sexual Abuse! Read More

Malice Found by Jury in Montana Watchtower Society Sex Abuse Case

The huge decline in membership due to critical information on the Internet, as well as lawsuits, are forcing leadership of older established clergy organizations, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons, to try to find ways to cope. In the case of Watchtower, documents listing predators have been leaked. Also, in the case of the LDS Church, documents are being leaked and put online. Long term dedicated members are realizing that they have been systematically lied to about the actual goings, causing large scale defections. Psychologist John Dehlin was excommunicated from the Mormon Church for speaking out about a need to change their policy regarding gay rights. (He now authors the increasingly popular Mormon Stories podcast.) Amazingly, the Prophet himself–who they believe gets direct revelations from God–has recently declared that they won’t be using the name Mormon or LDS anymore!

Malice Found by Jury in Montana Watchtower Society Sex Abuse Case Read More