
Errant Belief #7: “He Must Be Weak, Stupid or Looking for Easy Answers or Someone to Tell Him What to Do”

“Don’t Blame the Victim” This is a very commonly held, but fallacious generalization about people involved with destructive relationships and cult groups. People often try to find fault with people who experience tragedy by blaming […]

Errant Belief #7: “He Must Be Weak, Stupid or Looking for Easy Answers or Someone to Tell Him What to Do” Read More

Researchers Beware: Wikipedia Entries About High Control Groups Are Not Very Trustworthy 

We have been living in the Information Age, the Knowledge Age, with access virtually 24/7 to anything and everything. Many in today’s world go to Wikipedia to learn about cars, animals, medicines and even cults. And that is okay. For the most part, Wikipedia is fairly reliable. With over 20,000 new entries added every month, it no surprise that YouTube, Facebook, and Google rely on its content.

Researchers Beware: Wikipedia Entries About High Control Groups Are Not Very Trustworthy  Read More

The Moonies and TM Attempt to Reinvent Themselves

Having exited the Moonies in 1976, following an intervention performed at the request of my family, I have been so grateful to regain my life. I refer to the group as “the Moonies,” because when I was a member, the term was initially coined and Sun Myung Moon loved the term. We even wore tee-shirts and had mugs made with “I Heart the Moonies.” When Moon was convicted of conspiracy to defraud the Federal government and filing false income taxes, resulting in 13 months jail time, a PR campaign ensued costing, from my recollection, an estimated 30 million dollars. This branded Moon as a persecuted preacher from Korea. They started criticizing anyone who used the term Moonies and referred to the term as the “n” word used with African-Americans. Not. I do not wish to play by their propaganda rules.

The Moonies and TM Attempt to Reinvent Themselves Read More