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Jehovah’s Witnesses

Malice Found by Jury in Montana Watchtower Society Sex Abuse Case

The huge decline in membership due to critical information on the Internet, as well as lawsuits, are forcing leadership of older established clergy organizations, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons, to try to find ways to cope. In the case of Watchtower, documents listing predators have been leaked. Also, in the case of the LDS Church, documents are being leaked and put online. Long term dedicated members are realizing that they have been systematically lied to about the actual goings, causing large scale defections. Psychologist John Dehlin was excommunicated from the Mormon Church for speaking out about a need to change their policy regarding gay rights. (He now authors the increasingly popular Mormon Stories podcast.) Amazingly, the Prophet himself–who they believe gets direct revelations from God–has recently declared that they won’t be using the name Mormon or LDS anymore!

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Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

JW Leadership Fails to Protect Children

When I was a Jehovah’s Witness, I prided myself on knowing I was part of the only true Christian organization on the planet earth because of the love shown in “Jehovah’s Organization.” I told myself and others this for decades. One of the largest “comforts” to me was knowing that Jehovah’s anointed spirit was directly with the Governing Body, as the “earthly” connection to God and the leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I thought these men were scholars, theologians, and well-read individuals. Most of all, I felt they cared for the wellbeing of all mankind. Now, as a person who is no longer associated with the group, I discovered that their “love” is conditional and that the Governing Body is a group of men with no credentials or qualifications other than skillfully recruiting people into the group and maintaining control over them. A recent review by the Australian Royal Commission reminded me of my disillusionment. In 2013, the land down under created a government sponsored committee to investigate instances of child sexual abuse in institutions like schools, churches, sports clubs, and government organizations. The goals of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse can be found here. So far, they have reviewed hundreds of organizations.

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Prince and the Power of Undue Influence

By now, almost everyone reading has heard the news that Prince has died. Though the exact cause of his death is still unknown, there have been speculations that his beliefs as a Jehovah’s Witness may have played a part. Whether or not the rumors are true, it is a fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught to abstain from blood transfusions. If Prince were to have refused treatment and died, he would not be the first to do so as a result of Watchtower doctrine.*

One has to wonder though, how does a person like Prince become a Jehovah’s Witness?

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