
The Horror of School Shootings and Where We Go from Here – with S. E. Cupp

I had the opportunity to invite S.E. Cupp and discuss the terrible shooting and mass violence at another school in Uvalde, Texas, for my podcast, The Influence Continuum. S.E. Cupp is an American political commentator, practical conservative, and writer. She is famously known for hosting a political panel show named S.E. Cupp: Unfiltered and CrossFire. She has also hosted a digital series on cnn.com called S.E. Cupp’s Outside with Insiders.

The Horror of School Shootings and Where We Go from Here – with S. E. Cupp Read More

Advocating Election Integrity Post-Trump with Jennifer Cohn

After he lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump spouted lies and claimed that he had won. In an attempt to counter Trump’s lies and promote confidence in the election results, prominent Democrats and election officials said that the 2020 election was the most secure election of all time. However, real vulnerabilities in our election system exist, and Trump’s lies do not justify ignoring legitimate election security concerns.

Advocating Election Integrity Post-Trump with Jennifer Cohn Read More

Charles Koch’s Undue Influence on College Campuses: An Interview with Jasmine Banks

Billionaire donors are exerting undue influence on college campuses nationwide to advance a regressive corporate agenda. When I read Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America by Christopher Leonard, I was astounded at how much I did not know about this empire. For example, patriarch Fred C. Koch, co-founder of the racist John Birch Society, was a union buster, stealer of oil from Indigenous people, massive polluter, and fanatical about their corporate “culture” which has been described by many as cult-like.

Charles Koch’s Undue Influence on College Campuses: An Interview with Jasmine Banks Read More

Christianity, Anti-Vaxxers, and Politics: An Evangelical Perspective

Is there really a conflict between faith in science and faith in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other world religions? I do not believe there should ever be a black/white, either/or mindset when it comes to listening to responsible medical experts and religious leaders. In the United States, there has been some negative media focus on white evangelical Christians. But I believe most evangelical Christians are not anti-science nor anti-vaxxers. I wanted to do this blog and interview in order to counter some of the negative media coverage portraying outrageous and far-fetched beliefs, such as denial of evolution or the belief that the COVID-19 vaccine makes people magnetic. The reality is, however, that many devout Christians, including evangelical Christians, support science. Many! There have been more than a few pastors who were preaching that COVID-19 was a hoax that got sick and died from the virus. Some 600,000 Americans have already died from the pandemic and yet many more still need to get fully vaccinated, as soon as possible.

Christianity, Anti-Vaxxers, and Politics: An Evangelical Perspective Read More

As I Predicted in The Cult of Trump Book, Trump Might Direct Followers to Become Violent but There Is Hope

On January 6th, 2021, the seat of our federal government and the heart of our American democracy came under seige in a heinous and violent assault. The day began with thousands of protestors gathering in Washington, DC to show support for President Trump, who not only encouraged this but even gave a public speech enraging the crowd by falsely claiming he had won the election. Some view what happened as an attempt to do a coup and undermine the votes of millions of Americans. Fortunately, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell and other Republican politicians stood for upholding the election results which were intensely scrutinized, challenged in Court and no widespread voter fraud that would change the election results took place.

As I Predicted in The Cult of Trump Book, Trump Might Direct Followers to Become Violent but There Is Hope Read More

How to Help Friends & Family Following Trump’s Election Loss: False Prophecy, Mass Exodus, & Cognitive Dissonance

The year leading up to the 2020 Presidential election has been extremely divisive and stressful for most Americans, as well as, for our world allies. The results are in and show decidedly Joe Biden has won both the popular and electoral votes and will be sworn into office on January 20, 2021. Unfortunately, as I predicted in The Cult of Trump, Trump will never voluntarily cede power and will attempt to create as much chaos and damage, as he has consistently demonstrated he exists in a solipsistic reality. For hardcore Trump supporters, including QAnon believers, these are especially troubling times. It was foretold that Trump would win the election by a landslide, even pointing to Bible prophecy to attempt to drive home their point.

How to Help Friends & Family Following Trump’s Election Loss: False Prophecy, Mass Exodus, & Cognitive Dissonance Read More

The Cult of Trump Book 2020

The Democratic and Republican conventions have now ended. The differences between the two events were so clear for anyone watching them both. By looking at the Influence Continuum, one party was emphasizing love, compassion, science, diversity and coming together as Americans.  The other was about Donald Trump and how great, kind, empathetic, and compassionate he is, along with how wonderful the economy is doing. Plus, they talked about how the other side is going to ruin the country with their radical socialist agenda. Information is coming out daily about how the Russians are actively interfering and creating chaos, conflict and doing what they can to stoke up 4th Generation Warfare.

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