
The Moon Organization: 70 Years of Extremism, Power, Money, and Sex

The Unification Church (“Moonies”) now goes by the name The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The authoritarian cult was founded in the early 1950s by Sun Myung Moon. My family hired ex-members to deprogram me from it, following a severe van crash in 1976. Moon’s wife, Hak Ja Han, has been in charge of the international Moon organization (aside from the schisms with her two sons) since his death in 2012. Deceptive recruitment and a program of systematic social influence induce people to become involved. Undue influence and immoral tactics describe a corrupt organization under any circumstances. Authoritarian political leaders, malignant narcissists, labor, and sex traffickers all use these practices to maintain power and control. When used by a person or organization claiming exclusive spiritual knowledge and a divinely ordained role in the salvation of the world, this type of exploitation becomes malicious and dangerous.

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Christianity, Anti-Vaxxers, and Politics: An Evangelical Perspective

Is there really a conflict between faith in science and faith in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other world religions? I do not believe there should ever be a black/white, either/or mindset when it comes to listening to responsible medical experts and religious leaders. In the United States, there has been some negative media focus on white evangelical Christians. But I believe most evangelical Christians are not anti-science nor anti-vaxxers. I wanted to do this blog and interview in order to counter some of the negative media coverage portraying outrageous and far-fetched beliefs, such as denial of evolution or the belief that the COVID-19 vaccine makes people magnetic. The reality is, however, that many devout Christians, including evangelical Christians, support science. Many! There have been more than a few pastors who were preaching that COVID-19 was a hoax that got sick and died from the virus. Some 600,000 Americans have already died from the pandemic and yet many more still need to get fully vaccinated, as soon as possible.

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Transcendental Meditation (TM) and Re-Evaluation Counseling in Schools

Two programs have infiltrated schools which did not have policies in place to ensure legitimate and safe practices only are given to young students. These two programs are now facing public exposure and important scrutiny. Without sufficient understanding of these programs and the organizations that are contracted to promote them in the schools, there is a distinct danger of undue influence to vulnerable minors. In Chicago, Transcendental Meditation (TM) was used in public high schools for four years. The program, known as “Quiet Time,” was promoted to reduce behavioral problems but contained Hindu religious elements and secret practices. In Boston, Re-evaluation Counseling was included for many years in the Boston Student Advisory Committee (BSAC) program. Recent information from student members of the BSAC shows that they felt pressured and obligated to participate in this controversial pseudo-therapy form of peer counseling. An independent investigation showed very disturbing practices by people with no clinical or educational credentials.

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