
Putin, Navalny, Ukraine and Russian Influence: Part Two

This is Part II of my recent conversation with Yuri Shvets and Craig Unger about American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery. Part I focused on KGB cultivation of Donald Trump as an asset and Russian influence in the 2016 US election. In our conversation, both Shvets and Unger emphasized that the United States government needs to engage in counterintelligence based on the updated understanding of Russian operations. This would include tighter regulations on lobbying on behalf of Russia and more accountability for real estate and other business transactions that may support money laundering. Some modest changes have been proposed through the Corporate Transparency Act, but these regulations will not be sufficient. 

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Russian Influence on Trump and World Politics: American Kompromat

My usual practice is to interview one person at a time and prepare a blog post based on that interview. But the opportunity to have a conversation with two people possessing such a depth of knowledge and personal experience was wonderful! The amount of information on Russian influence that came from our conversation requires more than one post.

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Dr. Barry Roth and Human Trafficking and Torture

Healing From Torture and Human Trafficking

Survivors of authoritarian cults who engage in the difficult work of regaining true sense of self and ability to think freely give inspiration to the professionals who work with them. When a person has been trapped in the most violent expressions of authoritarian control—torture and human trafficking—but still retains their dignity and integrity it is humbling. 

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The Current Schism in the Catholic Church and How We Might Help

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden became, after John F. Kennedy Jr., the second Catholic President of the United States of America. During his first days in office, Biden signed many orders designed to undo the damage caused by his predecessor. Biden, the Congress and Senate put in place funding and coordinated scientific leadership to address the COVID-19 pandemic which has now killed over 550,000 Americans. This effort includes manufacturing and distributing the vaccines, as well as, consistent messaging that the vaccines are safe and we all still should be using masks, social distancing and washing our hands frequently. In addition, an ambitious financial stimulus package has been passed to help the poorest and disenfranchised Americans. On day one, Biden rejoined the Paris climate accords, the World Health Organization and began reconnecting with world leaders in the much needed effort to rebuild some trust and faith in America. Science will play an important role in policy decisions and supporting human rights for all marginalized people. Biden has also stated his support for a woman’s right to choose regarding her healthcare, including a right to have a safe and legal abortion, a position that is anathema to the Catholic Church.

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Mental Health Professionals Need to Learn How to Help People in Authoritarian Cults

Many Americans breathed a sigh of relief when Joe Biden became the 46th President on January 20, 2021. QAnon and other true believers were upset that nothing happened to change that on March 4. Over 400 people have been arrested so far and charged for their role in the failed January 6th insurrection attempt. Yet, polls indicate there are tens of millions of Americans who still believe the big lie that the election was stolen. These people also disbelieve that Russia has been deeply involved with Trump for decades and influential during his Presidency. COVID-19 remains a major health problem; however, millions of Americans are refusing to wear masks, observe social distancing or get a vaccination. Enemies of democracy wish to continue the polarization of issues and promote suspicion of science and the office of the Presidency. 

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Mental Health Issues Including Suicidal Feelings and Authoritarianism

Oprah’s interview with Meghan Markle, watched by tens of millions worldwide, was riveting and upsetting. The topic of racism in the Royal Family (“The Firm”) needs further in-depth discussion. However, in this blog, I want to focus on Meghan’s disclosure that she felt such high levels of stress and isolation that she became suicidal. Meghan reported that she repeatedly requested help, including that she needed to see a qualified mental health professional. She said her requests were denied. According to Markle, the decision to prohibit her from getting the help she desperately needed was based on protecting the Royal Family and its image, no matter the cost to a individual’s health.

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Cancel Culture by Anyone (Left or Right) is Bad

Shunning, ex-communication, and public humiliation have been used for social conformity for most of human history. The modern versions generally fit in the categories of “calling-out” or “canceling.” The first use of these terms is not certain. Still, sometime in the early 2010s, fans of various celebrities and groups began to post on social media identifying imperfections in their idols and “calling them out” on their behaviors. Calling-out posts online increased during 2017 and 2018 and were part of the #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter movements. NFL star quarterback, Colin Kaepernick was attacked by Trump for kneeling before a football game and intense pressure was brought to bear to have him fired and banned by the League. By 2019, the term cancel culture had moved into mainstream media usage. It was probably inevitable that cancel culture would become a political issue. 

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The Traumatic Impact of Media Humiliation, Misrepresentation and Victim-Shaming

Public shaming and humiliation have a long history as a tactic of social control and punishment. Acknowledging the trauma of its use is not new. Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, wrote in 1787 that shaming “is universally acknowledged to be a worse punishment than death.” The use of stocks and pillories on the village green began to fall out of favor in the 1800s, although prisoners were often subjected to public ridicule in other ways. Scientific studies in more recent years have shown that humiliation is the most intense human emotion. Just the fear of being humiliated, let alone the experience, can lead to thoughts of suicide.   

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